Monday, August 17, 2009

nail salon Minx Nails

The nails are fun, applied in a Wink.
A new style of nails, that they call MINX!

Want Superstar Nails? Try MINX...That's what the ad said in the July Issue of Blah Blah Magazine ( I don't recall the name of the magazine , sorry) . Most of us seen MINX on tons of Celebrities nails and from what Ive heard the consensus seems to be that most people think they look really cool. MINX nails are definitely one of the hottest trends in the nail industry in the past year. I've worn MINX around town and believe me , they are real conversation starters. MINX are Bright , Flashy and Shinny and there are a lot of people that have not idea what they are .

Well, if your not up on MINX yet here is the deal MINX are made of a thin plastic film that when heated, the film affixes to your nails. They look hot! The come in a range of styles and patterns. Some salons even have the ability to personalize the MINX and use your own pictures ( cool huh). MINX nails are available at your local nail salons and can range form $35.00 to $65.00. If you go to the MINX website they have a list of salons that offer MINX. For those of use who have a passion for doing our own nails MINX would be a nice fun treat .

Just a note to the MINX company, it would be really nice if you offered more training classes. I like MINX but, I an independent nail artist with tons of ideas. If you order a MINX kit you do get access to an online tutorial video. I am a visual person who has lost of questions and I need more. Ive heard that the nails should last a month but, can only get them to look good without lifting for a week. Ive contacted MINX about training and was advised to read some other blogs for more help (huh) . I use MINX on myself and friends but,would NOT offer this to my clients with out more formal training.

Visit the MINX website at:
picture above : minx leopard nails

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