Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Say hello to my new little Friends!

Hey Ladies! I had to stay at home today , and wait for the washing machine repair man to come =-/ ( Stupid machine keeps breaking down..Thank god for insurance!) . When i went to let the repair man in...I found a package waiting for me! =) . It felt like Christmas all over again ... I love that feeling of getting new Plates!...especially ones that have taken me so long to get! Look what she sent me! =) ( This image can be enlarged - just click on it) My experience from emailing her my initial inquiry to receiving the finale package was so amazing ! She also sent me Black and White Stampy polish <3> As well as getting martje's package i was also taken back by a work colleague this week. When she was getting her lunch she popped into the local pound land in town , and came across this nail art kit! . Bless her she brought it me , and refused to let me pay her back - So ill keep any eye out for some cute polish for her!. Thank you for reading this! I'm going to immediately swap my new plates =) /hugs!

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